We work watershed by watershed to protect our planet and its inhabitants.
Join the Community:
Projects are activities that promote bioregionalism or empower organizers and communities that sponsored by our 501(c)3 umbrella.
Departments of Bioregion are place based hubs that educate about bioregionalism, create resources, and build bioregional movements.
Be an ambassador of your watershed and movement. Below you will find tools and resources to help every person get active for what they care about.
A World of Bioregional Movements
We build bioregional movements. It is our goal to develop watershed and bioregional based frameworks that can provide a viable and positive alternatives to existing power structures. To accomplish these goals, we believe in bioregionalism, a grassroots approach to ecology that uses natural boundaries to reinforce sustainability, community self-determination and regional self-reliance.
We build place based movements that grow greater understanding of bioregions, promote place appropriate technology and policy, provide direct funding for community projects, and support the creation of movements to determine the carrying capacities and regenerative frameworks for each watershed and bioregion we live in. We believe the people living in a place are the best suited to take the lead on issues affecting their area.

Recent News
The latest updates from the Department of Bioregion
What is Bioregionalism?
Bioregionalism is a vision of a future that works for people and for the Earth.
Bioregionalism is a movement, an ethic and idea that has been growing for more than four decades, using natural features such as mountain ranges, and rivers as the basis for political and cultural units, rather than arbitrary lines on a map. Nature acts bioregionally – and more than ever before – the ability to act regionally and globally in an interconnected fashion has never been more important.