Start a Department

The Department of Bioregion is a 501(c)3 organization that educates about bioregionalism and is building a network of interdependent bioregional movements around the world. We seek to build Departments of Bioregion in each bioregion and ecoregion. Departments of Bioregion have autonomous leadership teams, grows networks of members, and sponsors projects and groups to achieve goals that it sets out for itself.

Quick Reference Guide:

Depts of Bioregion: 

  • Have Leadership Team
  • Maintain a Dept Website  
  • Grow a Bioregional Encyclopedia
  • Grow a Bioregional Directory
  • Connect and Empower Similar Movements
  • Share Updates
  • Maintain a Social Media Presence.
  • Build a 501(c)3 Membership Base
  • Organize activities which build Cultural Identity
  • Sponsor Bioregional Projects
  • Connect with other Bioregional Movements around the world to empower each.